Proudly Serving Calgary, AB and Surrounding Communities

Pre-Planning Funeral Services

Peace of Mind | Evan J. Strong Funeral Service

Provide Peace of Mind

Experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your loved ones will not be burdened with funeral decisions during their time of mourning and remembrance.

Personalize Your Service | Evan J. Strong Funeral Service

Personalize Your Service

Ensure that you are able to make all of your funeral and life celebration choices deeply personal, and authentic to your own standards, lifestyle, and beliefs.

Financial Preparation | Evan J. Strong Funeral Service

Be Financially Prepared

Financially prepare for your service, getting an accurate estimate on the total cost and beginning the process of setting aside some funds. This is another important way to ease responsibilities for your family and friends.

Guidance and Support When You Need It Most

Our knowledgeable staff at Evan J. Strong Funeral Services is committed to providing personalized support and guidance to individuals and families during the pre-planning process, ensuring that every detail is attended to with care and compassion from start to finish.

Why Should I Pre-Pay For My Funeral?

By pre-paying for your final arrangements, you can relieve your loved ones of the financial strain that may arise at the time of your passing, enabling them to focus on grieving, without the added worry of funeral expenses. It also locks in today’s prices so you aren’t faced with inflated costs down the road.
At Evan J. Strong Funeral Services, we provide financing options and installment payment plans, so that you don’t have to pay a lump sum upfront, which your family would have to do at the time of your passing.

Our pre-planning advisors are here to guide you every step of the way, based on your budget, your vision, and your needs.

Why Pre-Plan Your Funeral | Evan J. Strong Funeral Service

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